Message 173

“And he [the minds longing for “faith” according to Yahweh] said to them [the congregating thoughts]: You yourselves are aware how it is not lawful (clean thinking) for a Yehûwdîy (the “praise” faculty within; “Judah”) to associate (consciously join) with one of another nation (the “mass” of foreign thoughts that lead the mind away from Yahweh's will), or to enter his house (mindset); but Yahweh has shown (illuminated within) me that I [the “faith” faculty] must not call every man [realm of thought] common or unclean.” (Acts 10:28)

The internal protective measures Yahweh has set forth to reconcile fallen minds back into intimate relationship with Himself and therefore Yahshua. The 144,000 look deep within and have embraced that which has been expressed at Acts chapter 10 as a literal replay of all discussed in Torah (the Law as expressed in and through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). That Yahweh has seen fit to again hold fallen minds (the 1st Adam within; the ever active personal will) accountable to their internal makings. That in order to heal all the brokenness one cannot allow for a personal perspective of what Yahweh's Holiness really requires. And to claim that “I have never eaten anything unclean!”, is the first lie that needed to be exposed. To be able to see all wrong thoughts, one must digest them all from Yahweh's perspective alone, an internal process that must take place. Accountability with the ability, via “faith”, to overcome all of the animals and fowls of the past. Cleanliness via a pattern; the recognition of all that was and is still unclean, and this within.


Message 172


Message 174