Message 174
“The Kingdom (Hebraic intent intact, it is the literal “Kings Domain” within) of Yahweh is like a merchant (“travel”; the mind's distress) looking for fine (good) pearls (“turn, angle”; mental corrections); who [the distressed mind looking for corrections], when he found one pearl of great price (the mind's “acquisition” of healing), went and sold (dispossessed) all that he had (mentally possessed) and bought it [the interior corrections from Yahweh that lead to the mind's total healing; perfection].” (Mattithyah 13:44-45)
The Hebrew word is tâʻam טעם (taw-am'). It's definition is “perceive”. And of course the 144,000 rejoice in knowing that the Hebrew word for perceive is a word previously unveiled. It's the word yâdaʽ ירעיה (yaw-day); “to know”. It leads one to understand that the “pearl” Yahweh places within the mind always leads to the ultimate treasure – Yahweh! The mind begins to conform when it gets even the slightest tâʻam (“perceptions”; commonly translated as “taste”) of Yahweh's will within. David (perceptions of Yahweh's “love”) understood:
“O taste (perceive) and see (receive the “fountains” of Yahweh's Glory within) that Yahweh is righteous (right thinking)! Blessed (consciously “kneeling”) are You! Blessed is the man (body of thought) who trusts (consciously “flees” to) in You!” (Psalm 34:8)