Message 176

“...And I [Yahweh] will place salvation (mental “rescue”) in Zion (perfect mental “clarity”) for Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”) My glory.” (Isayah 46:13)

He does not conceal that from whence His glory is placed. Yahweh's great embellishment unto Himself is the restoring of one's mental stature unto Himself. We have discussed how Israel embodies the fullness of His Unilateral Mind Contract; bringing one's thoughts into total clarity with the commands of His will.

The 144,000 have so desired this mental Oneness that they are aware of every nuance of every thought, and the source from whence each thought is derived. They realize the “sealing” of Revelation 7:3 is of a very specific timeline, but Oh do they long for it, and they converse with others who share the longing. Can you imagine being in a place (mind space) wherein you have so painstakingly vetted each thought within, seeking out it's source, only to remember that when total healing is required, Yahweh alone is the authority of such? In this waiting many adverse thoughts are routed out loved one. Yes indeed, the waiting is a pattern that Yahweh has mandated as part and parcel of the patterned suffering that accompanies it. (Isayah 53, Hebrews 2:10, 5:8)

The waiting reveals the swath of unclean thoughts needing clarity. It is in the waiting that Yahweh receives His glory.


Message 175


Message 177