Message 177
The Hebrew words are har הר (har) and Megiddôwn מגרו (meg-id-done'). The definition of har being “loom”, and for Megiddôwn, “rendezvous, pressing”. It is important in order to grasp Hebraic intent, to also bring forth the truth that Megiddôwn (“rendevous, pressing”) rests on the plain (thought expanse) of Yizreʻêʼl (yiz-reh-ale') (“might will sow”; belief in one's personal power apart from the will of Yahweh), and that Yizreel (commonly translated as “Jezreel”) is also named as a city (thought habitation) in both Yahdah (the “praise” faculty within; Judah) and Issachar (the “zeal” faculty within).
“In that day [the time of Yahweh's wrath; the 6th and 7th seals of Revelation] there will be great mourning in Yerûwshâlaim (yer-oo-shaw-law'-im) (Yahweh's intended place of “peace” within; Jerusalem), like the mourning of Hădadrīmmôwn (had-ad-rim-mone') (“fierce fortification”; all of the personal will's “self” defences; Hadad-rimmon) in the Megiddôwn (the place within where the personal will is judged by Yahweh) valley.” (Zecharyah 12:11)
“Looming pressing!” The 144,000 know well that this work is the work of Yahweh alone and that it speaks to His wrath upon minds not in allegiance with His Mind; all who are not called Israel. And they understand that as part of His plagues (mental “afflictions” on reprobate minds), during His wrath upon fallen souls, those souls will be gathered at Har Megiddõwn for destruction. And so today has been a day to come to understand the true Hebraic intent of what is commonly known as “Armageddon”; a time of the destruction of minds foreign to Yahweh's will.
Tomorrow we learn more...