Message 178

“And I saw three unclean minds, like frogs (“skip”; half truths, total lies) out of the mouth (mental breath ) of the serpent (“elongate”; the far boundaries the “self” will travels in it's rebellion against Yahweh's will) and out  of the mouth of the beast (“raw, active, unruly thoughts, borne forth of the personal will), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (the fallen mind's “inspiration”); For they are minds of turmoil who perform signs (“appearing, come”; internal visions) that go forth to the kings (“reigning” thoughts within the carnal mind) of the whole inhabited earth (firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen souls), to gather them [every unruly, self reliant thoughts] to the battle of the great day of Yahweh Almighty. (Behold, I [Yahweh] am coming like a thief (“stealer”; see I Thessalonians 5:2-3). Blessed is he [each thought] who watches (internally perceives), and keeps his garments (mind's covering), or he will walk (mentally “go”) naked (barren), and they [congregating thoughts] will see his shame (disgrace).) And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew language: Har Megiddôwn (“looming pressing”).” (Revelation 16:13-16)

As with everything of and about Yahweh's Kingdom, all battles are first within long before they manifest in life physical. And the 144,000 understand that because it is so, to miss things within, to fail to perceive Yahweh's will ahead of time, is to miss it in life physical. For those destined to eternity apart from Yahweh's Mind, sheʼôwl (commonly known as “hell”) indeed. And for the believer who misses it, Revelation 5:9-11.


Message 177


Message 179