Message 179

“He [Yahweh] has shown His strength with His arm (“stretched, sow”; the mind's reach); He has scattered (“dispersed” of) the proud (consciously “arrogant”) in the imagination (“obstinacy”) of their minds.” (Luke 1:51)

There are three specific Hebrew words to analyze:

yêtser יצר (yay'-tser) - “conception, squeezing”

 sherîyrûwth שררות (sher-ee-rroth') - “twisted, obstinacy”

 machâshebeth מחשכה (makh-ash-eh'-beth) - “contrivance, plan”

All three of these Hebrew words are commonly translated as “imaginations(s)”. The 144,000 seek to find and in their endeavors they find secret mysteries of the Kingdom of Yahweh. They come to perceive things that illuminate the Mind of Yahweh and they realize that of the twenty plus times these three words are utilized in Scripture, every single time, Yahweh decrees these imagination(s) as wicked. (Genesis 6:5, 8:21, Deuteronomy 29:19, 31:21, Yeremyah 3:17, 11:8, Lamentations 3:60-61, Luke 1:51, Romans 1:21, II Corinthians 10:5) Why? Because “imagination(s)” speaks to a mind not completely aligned with the will of Yahweh! That if Yahweh Himself had to imagine, He could not possibly be the ALL knowing! The 144,000 understand the enormous hesitancy fallen souls have, believing they have been given the right to also be fully cognizant of Yahweh's will.. They hear those who profess such a belief and exclaim, “No one can be perfect!” In all the imagining fallen minds engage in, the idea of mental perfection is deemed unimaginable! Imagine that!

And for the cynic who might say, “But what if I want to imagine the good things He promises?”, Yahweh has answered: Stop imagining and start obeying as everything is already “Yes and amen!” (II Corinthians 1:20)


Message 178


Message 180