Message 181

“And you [chosen minds] shall be to Me [Yahweh] a kingdom (“dominion, ascend”; mind's dominion) of priests (“officiating, mediate”; internal thoughts that delegate Yahweh's Mind patterns), and a holy (“be clean”; perfect in thought) nation (“massing, division”; construct of congregating thoughts that separate one's total body of thought, either unto or away from Yahweh).” (Exodus 19:6)

And of this decree placed upon minds wherein Yahweh has placed His Mind's presence, comes the “How?”

“These are the Laws (Mind patterns) that you shall speak to the children (“builders”) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”) (a continuation of Exodus 19:6)

A Father who would place such a magnanimous expectation upon His chosen ones, and not give the blueprints, would be a vicious Father. Yahweh, the Good Father, gives the exact blueprints; His specific Way of thinking, which we have come to understand is His Law(s). To reject His Mind patterns as “Done away with!”, is to reject His Mind. As one looks at every single government of this physical earth, one can see the results of such rejection.

Part and parcel of the “sealing” (Revelation 7) of the 144,000 is to announce Yahweh's Mind, and therefore how He governs, to the world. A time that will be very very soon.


Message 180


Message 182