Message 182
“Now the flax (“com-minuting, disintegrate”; mental degeneracy) and barley (“roughness, shiver”; mental tempestuousness) were struck (consciously smitten), for the barley was in the ear (“tender”; maturing) and the flax in the bloom (“calyx, convex”; contained), but the wheat (“packed, cramp”; mental nourishment of faith) and the spelt (“shorn”; mental pruning) were not struck, for they were not grown (fully matured) up.” (Exodus 9:31-32)
We have discussed how Hebraic intent is realized by Hebrew letters, the words they form, the definitions of those words, the numeric significance and of course, context. The internal war between the Pharaoh of Egypt (the personal will's belief in human borne intellect and it's powers in the material plain) and Mosheh (Yahweh's representation of the reconciled thoughts within that “draw out” His will). And in this very individual personal war within each chosen soul, Yahweh of course is the One to bring all “good” to it's fruition, and utter connectivity (mental reliance) upon Him is a priority of the 144,000.
The 144,000 understand that as with all plagues (mental “afflictions”), lessons are to be memorialized and repeated to the mental lineage to come. Always about the utter removal of the personal will and for some, a complete giving over to said will. To understand the intent of verses such as those above is to go forward into the allotted mental boundaries Yahweh has prescribed for His chosen children; the Mind patterns (Laws) of Môsheh. If it be an onslaught of smiting, of course with His protective measures of those things deemed “clean”, then so be it!
The 144,000 ask this question often: “Who do you believe Yahweh and Yahshua intend to 'save' you from?” And they know that those who have worked to understand all of the Hebraic intent of Scripture, answer, “My 'self' of course!”