Message 183

“The great day (“be hot”; perceptible illuminations) of Yahweh is near, near and hastening quickly; the sound (mind's “call”) of the day of Yahweh is bitter, the mighty (“self” reliant) men [thoughts] will cry there. That day is a day of wrath (“outburst”), a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of dark clouds (“covering, act covertly”; Yahweh's intended ability to be perceived within) and thick darkness (mental “misery”). A day of the trumpet (“incising, make clear”; Yahweh's presence sifting clean from unclean; see Revelation, chapters 8, 9, 10) and alarm (mental “clamour”) against the fortified (“hemming”; “self” reliant) cities (thought habitations) and against the high (self exalted) towers (“angle, pinnacle”; cunningness of the personal intellect). I [Yahweh] will bring such distress (mind “trouble”) upon men [bodies of thought], that they will walk (mentally “go”) like blind (“film”; veiled of mind) men – because they have sinned (mentally transgressed against Yahweh's Mind patterns; Law) against Yahweh! Their blood (conscious life force; carnality) will be poured out like dust (consciously “pulverized”) and their flesh (raw, active thoughts) like dung (“roll”; waste). Neither their silver (false perceptions of love) nor their gold (ego driven wisdom and intelligence) will be able to deliver them in the day of Yahweh's wrath; but all who fail to keep Yahweh's Laws (Mind patterns) will be consumed (consciously broken) by the fire (consuming conviction unto reprobation) of His jealousy (zeal for His chosen). Yes, an end suddenly will He make of all those who live (active conscience), who fail to keep (consciously “protect”) His Law.” (Zephanyah 1:14-18)

The 144,000 are very in tune with what the day brings, each day. They also perceive that the time they will rise (a mental “sealing”; Revelation 7:3), is immediately before the great day is announced. And that unto the very end, Yahweh has decreed His Law(s) to be that which distinctly separates the clean (chosen minds) from the unclean (reprobate minds). And with great reverence they understand that the modern “church” is among those who have long ago written off the totality of Yahweh's Laws – all six hundred and thirteen (248 positive, 365 prohibitive). A bitter day indeed.


Message 182


Message 184