Message 184
The Hebrew word is yegiyaʽ יניע (yeg-ee'-ah). It's definitions are “toil, works”. It's root word is yâgqʽ ינע (yaw-gah'); “gasp, be exhausted”. Once again we see that the “yaw (yah)” is at the root of every matter, and in this case we have a word commonly translated as “labour”. Another Hebrew word commonly translated as labour is the word ʽâmâl עמל (aw-mawl'); “toil, wearing effort”. And of the Hebrew word for toil, we find the word ʽitstsâbôwn עצכון (its-tsaw-bane'); “worrisome, pain”.
Hebrew definitions alone tell us where in fact all of this toil is taking place, and they do so leaving no room for debate.
“Then to a man (the first Adam within every conscience; the fallen mental life force) He [Yahweh] said, 'Because you have heeded the voice (mind's “call”) of your wife (carnal emotions and desires) and have eaten (consciously consumed) from the tree (truth) of which I COMMANDED (emphasis mine; no “free will” choices here) you, saying: You must not eat of it – cursed (“execrate”; consciously defiled and unclean) is the ground (aka “country, land, earth”; the firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen minds) for your sake; in toil (mental pain and worry) you shall eat (consciously consume) from it [the lower thought plain's produce] all the days of your life (active mind).'” (Genesis 3:17)
The 144,000 understand well, where all of the “toil” Yahweh has decreed first takes place. And because it is so they also understand the Hebraic aspects of where the “harvest (“severed, curtail”; mental refinement unto perfection)” also takes place. Eyes (mental perceptions) to see and ears (mental understanding) to hear, loved one.