Message 185
We have done the work together previously. We have seen how the Hebrew word dâbar רבר (daw-bar') has been traditionally translated into multiple different words like “arrange, matter, word”, based upon it's definitions which are, “arrange, speak, subdue”. And what is commonly left out of modern translations is a word that indeed best describes the Hebraic intent implied with the word dâbar. That word would be “plan”.
Having previously vetted Yahchanan (John) 1:1 and realizing that it was the “plan” that was in the beginning, and that the “plan” was Yahweh's and with Yahweh, and of course that Yahshua was the chief participant in the “plan”, we come to new understandings. Mainly that Yahshua, the premier example of Yahweh's anointing, was also created as part of Yahweh's “plan”: “He [Yahshua] is the image (mental likeness) of the invisible (physically unseen) Father, the firstborn (“burst”; premier fruit) of all creation (“select, feed”)...” (Colossians 1:15)
Today we find that another word often utilized for a modern translation of our word dâbar, is the word “message”. It is an appropriate translation that can indeed properly express Hebraic intent, but for unity's sake lets utilize “plan” instead. Like when we speak of the very thing Yahshua was apt to do at all times, and commanded the twelve disciples (12 mental faculties/disciplines) to be focused on--
We must at all times preach the plan (dâbar) of the Kingdom. The plan of the Kingdom (Mattithyah 4:23)! Is it clear yet? What the plan is?
Hint: It is the plan to fix the place where there is “all manner of sickness and all manner of disease”.