Message 188
“I [Yahweh] will hand (in the mental “grasp” of) over the men [thoughts] who transgressed (“cross”; went beyond Yahweh's allotted boundaries) My Covenant (Unilateral Mind contract with chosen souls), who did not keep the terms (mind's conditions) of the covenant (mental compact) which they made before Me, when they cut (“destroy, consume”) the young (immature) calf (“frisking, revolving”; obstinacy) in two (dividing truth) and passed (agreed to cross over to Yahweh's will alone) between (making a “distinction” between “clean” and “unclean” thoughts) it's parts (“breaking”; divisions).” (Yeremyah 34:18)
In this accounting of that which was activated at Genesis 15:10, we gain a deeper understanding of the internal covenants spoken in scripture; both of seed (the mind's sowing) and land (the firmly held to lower thought plain that Yahweh seeks to raise up in His chosen). And in this we find a very unique understanding of Yahweh's utilization of His language of creation, the Hebrew language. We have previously vetted the word ʽIbrîy עכרי (ib-ree), commonly translated as “Hebrew”. We saw that it's root word, ʽâbarעכר (aw-bar'), is defined as “cross, transition”. Much is to be said of the Hebraic intent of these words, mainly that Yahweh's forgiveness and mercy over chosen souls allows them to “cross over” and reunite with His will. That they will be “passed over” for the damnation deserved and reconciled with His Mind.
At Yeremyah 34:18, the word ʽâbar is utilized twice, though with different translations; “transgressed” and “passed”. Of course when Abram (representing the “seed” of Yahweh's chosen) “passed” between the parts, it represented our fallen wills attempt to agree to leave every unclean way of thinking (the calf, goat, ram, dove and pigeon of the matter). That we of our own volition would cross back over to Yahweh's will alone; commands. So we see that ʽâbar simultaneously divides clean (Yahweh's thinking) and unclean (the personal will's thinking) within. And because the fallen will never keeps it's promises, we see that after agreeing, we then cross (transgress) back to the personal will, after covenanting. Is it ANY wonder why Yahshua (Yahweh's choice to save us from our own “self”) came?