Message 187

The Hebrew word is cherem חרם (kheh'-rem). It's definitions are “shutting in, seclude, doom”. With Hebraic intent intact, cherem only ever speaks to things “devoted” (the common translation for cherem) to Yahweh. And of His devoted (mentally shut in) things we see that He offers them all to the priests (“officiating”; thoughts that judge between Yahweh's will and the personal will) alone. (Leviticus 27:21-29, Numbers 18:14)

We have previously vetted our Hebrew word mâlak מלך (maw-lak'). It's definitions are “reign, ascend”. Most often translated as “reign”, yet “king/queen” are also utilized to translate mâlak. At I Kepha (Peter) 2:9, Yahweh speaks to those invited to build (children) His house (totality of His Mind within chosen souls), and He proclaims: “You (Israel, thoughts intended to be ruled by and for His power) a chosen (“try, select”) generation (perpetuation pf thought), a royal (mentally reigning) priesthood (officiators of Yahweh's will), a holy (clean) nation (mass of thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power), a peculiar (“shut, wealth”; protected and prospered) people (congregation of thoughts); that you would show forth (illuminating thoughts) the praises of Him Who has called (“accosting”) you out of darkness (mental “misery”) into His marvelous light (Mind's illuminations).”

The 144,000 realize that it is the very specific thoughts that lead one to offer everything back to Yahweh, for a man can receive nothing apart from Yahweh, that inducts one into the prescribed priesthood. For the devoted things could only ever be enacted through the priesthood. Many deny their lineage by their misperceptions of “Who?” exactly they have been commanded to be. The sifting time is here loved one. Rise O sleeper, rise.


Message 186


Message 188