Message 191

“The voice (“call”; inner sound) of joy (“cheerful”; gleeful mindedness) and the voice of gladness (mental “blithe”), the voice of the bridegroom (“contract, affinity”; mental cohesiveness, led by wisdom) and the voice of the bride (“complete”; mental cohesiveness, led by understanding), the voice of those [thoughts] who bring the sacrifice (“slaughter”) of praise into the House (dwelling place within chosen souls where Yahweh has placed His allotted portion of His Mind made available; the “Temple” within) of Yahweh, who say, 'Halleluyah! to Yahweh of hosts (“mass”; the unmeasureable amount of renewing thoughts Yahweh places into minds chosen for redemption), for Yahweh is righteous (right thinking), for His mercy (“kindness”) is forever!' For I will restore the captives (“exiled”; bound minds) of the land (“firmly” held to lower thought plain) and make it [the thought plain] as it was at the beginning (the protected (garden) state, before sin stained it).” (Yeremyah 33:11)

The 144,000 understand that even one misaligned thought within can bring desolation upon the entire body of thought: “A little leaven (“swelling”; rise of the personal will) leavens the whole lump (“press”; active thoughts).” (I Corinthians 5:6) We have discussed Yahweh's written reality that, “He who keeps the whole Law (Mind patterns) and yet offends in one, he is guilty of all.” (Yaaqob (James) 2:10) Yahweh's description of mental “perfection” is His description of His own way of thinking! And when one asks within, “Could Yahweh ever fail at anything?”, it could only bring a joyous laugh. And yet, its the same exact mental position both He and Yahshua have spoken to chosen children in saying, “Be perfect!” (Matt 3:3, 5:48, Luke 6:40, II Corinthians 13:11, Galatians 3:3, Eph 1:4, 1:23, 3:9, 4:13, Phil 1:6-9, 3:15 Col 1:28, 3:14, II Tim 3:17, Heb 2:10, 5:8, 6:1, 10:1, 11:40, 13:21, Yaaqob 1:4, 3:2, I Kepha 1:16, 5:10, I Yahchanan 2:5-6)

Every single word of Scripture, speaking to one grand theme: “Be of the same exact Mind as Me [Yahweh]! Via My son Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) who has shown you the way! Do as he did!”


Message 190


Message 192