Message 192
“For this reason [the true reality that the chosen are members (mental structure and moulding) of Yahweh's 'body of thoughts'] a man (individual realm of thought) shall leave his father (human wisdom) and mother (human emotions), and be joined to his wife (connection to Yahweh's intended, pure emotions; left brain) and they [right brain (male), left brain (female)] according to the Law (mind patterns), shall be in unity (mental accord) as one flesh (body of “full, fresh” thoughts, borne forth via the will of Yahweh). This [the idea that what is being discussed is an individual mind being brought into wholeness, and then united in Oneness with Yahweh's Mind] is a great secret (mental mystery), but I speak concerning the anointing and the called out ones [the 144,000].” (Ephesians 5:31-32)
Its all very individual. Its all internal. The 144,000 have agreed with Yahweh and Yahshua, that imperfect minds cannot perfect other minds. The work is all within and is always between the two operating wills; the personal will and Yahweh's will. Until a mind being reconciled agrees that it cannot stumble at even one point, that Yahweh has made it “inexcusable”, one can not possibly attain to the perfection (which is mental salvation) commanded.