Message 194

“As many are as immersed (mentally “dipped”) into Yahshua's anointing were immersed into his death. Therefore, we are buried (“inter”; the removal of the personal will) with him by immersion (conscious submerging) into death; in order that, just as Yahshua was raised (consciously exalted) from the dead (the “self” will) through the plan of the Father, we may also walk (mentally “go”) in the newness (mind's “rebuilding”) of life (life is mind activity). For if we have become one (consciously united) with him by sharing a death (removal of the “self”) with him, we will also be one in his resurrection (mental breaking off of the personal will forever, thus “ascending” to Oneness with Yahweh's Mind).” (Romans 6:3-5)

The 144,000 realize that it is indeed a specific internal process being described above. That for chosen children (“builders” of His Kingdom within) it is the mind literally being dipped into the same oil (anointing) as Yahshua. And that the immersion was indeed the beginning of what would become an impaling of the personal will, just as it was for Yahshua (Isayah chapter 53, Hebrews 2:10 & 5:8). And they understand that what is being “raised” to life, is Yahweh's bringing the personal will to oblivion, while exalting one's mind back into His complete presence. This is His salvation made complete; His Covenant with chosen souls fulfilled! The 144,000 remember every day that without immersion into death there could be no true mind life. And that it was never going to be a one day event, but rather, a reckoning of every single thought that enters in and whether or not the thought has been dipped into the will of Yahweh. All of this leading to the mind's perfection (resurrection/salvation).


Message 193


Message 195