Message 195

“Now I [thoughts “desiring” Yahweh's will; Shaul (Paul)] appeal to you, brothers (mental “affinity”; co-faculties), by the authority (mental “might”) of our King (“reigning” thoughts) Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mentality) the anointed (“rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind), that you speak (our word dâbar; “plan”) the same thing, and there be no divisions (mental “split”) among you; but that you may be perfectly united (“one”) in mind and thought.” (I Corinthians 1:10)

The 144,000 reject utterly the idea of, “Let's just agree to disagree!” They know that those who speak such fail to comprehend the most easily understood commands, and that which Yahweh intends for them to accomplish within minds heading towards a resurrection. Individual minds expected to unify with other individual minds, unto perfection (mental salvation). One can be very sure that any who profess the “agree to disagree” doctrine (and yes, it has become a modern church doctrine) cannot offer the covenanted patterns; Yahweh's Mind patterns that help the individual mind achieve that which is spoken of above. The first pattern being the need of humility, the humility to acknowledge any lack of wisdom and understanding of and about Yahweh's will, followed by the courage and faith to dig deeper for that very wisdom and understanding.

Ignorance has many faces (one's mental countenance). One of those faces comes in the form of excuses. The 144,000 guard their mind (life) and their doctrine (“receive, take”) and they are prepared in season and out to discuss all matters of Yahweh's Mind.


Message 194


Message 196