Message 200
“The stages (“time, now, when, duration”) of our lives (active thinking) are in Your hands (Mind's “grasp”). Deliver (consciously “snatch”) us from the hands (mental grasp) of our foes (“adversary, hating”; every single thought borne forth of the personal will), from those who pursue and persecute us.” (Psalm 71:15)
The 144,000 understand that even when there seem to be a plurality to it, the source of all mental anguish is very singular. It is the very adversary we have previously discussed, and is exhaustively elaborated upon in the work “The Devil Inside (Parts 1 & 2)”, found at the ----------------------icon. And that this adversary causes one to have to endure, in both the overcoming and the redemption, many stages of thought: stages of hardship, fear, anxiety, pride, arrogance, aloofness, etc. The redemption of such being the stages of repair within: stages of acceptance, confession, wilderness experiences, humbling, etc.
Life (a mind having been separated from Yahweh's Mind, via the ever foolish personal will; the adversary) is difficult and Yahweh has patterned it that beauty be found in ashes, joy in the morning, praise in the despair (Isayah 61:3). This is a moment to inspire you by bringing mental clarity. When we acknowledge that our personal will is the singular adversary that causes all mind pain (disconnection from Yahweh's will), we begin the real journey of transformation. Don't fall short, don't quit, even when it may seem like They [Father and son] are a million galaxies away. The silence is also a patterned process! They are always there. Always right there.