Message 201
Râchêl רחל (raw-khale') - “journey, traveller”
Lêʼâh לאה (lay-aw') - “weary, tire”
Until fully redeemed (perfected), each realm of thought and the emotions they form, lies in a fallen state. Not in such a way that particular thought realms “become better”, but they decrease into nothingness (the mind's grave). Decrease in order to be replaced with clean, pure thinking (Yahweh's will within). False peace is not repaired but replaced with His peace. Fake perceptions of love don't grow up, but are replaced with His love.
We have come to understand that a “mother”, with Hebraic intent intact, is the emotional “bonds” within one's mind. Bonds formed via one's own perceptions of all matters relating to life (mind), or via the will of Yahweh within. Bonds formed either of one's own personal understanding or the mind's discernment of how Yahweh declares one is to understand all things; His “female” attributes if you will.
The 144,000 understand how it is that Rachel and Leah were named by Yahweh as the “two who built the house (mindset) of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power).” (Rûwth רות (Ruth) 4:11) Before complete redemption it would be the mind's timidity and uncertainty (Rachel), mixed with the personal wills struggle (Leah) to find peace and purpose, that would build one's emotional house. But as for those emotions built upon “self” reliance, in obedience to Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) they would be decreased into nothingness, replaced by mental stability (emotions at peace) and a mind well rested (emotions based on true faith). It is indeed a deep seated mystery that every man [thought] has both wisdom (right brain – male side) and understanding (left brain – female side) as part of the whole mind participating in Yahweh's Mind. That every woman is intended to help the mind decipher Yahweh's pure emotions and the love and compassion that guide His emotions. At the height of obedience, she represents both emotional balance and order (the very definitions of the name Debôrâh רבורה (Deborah)) of Yahweh's Mind, and rules within as such. (Judges 5:7)