Message 203
“There's a mighty river (“stream, sparkle”; mental outpouring from Yahweh's presence within) flowing (“carry”), there's a mighty river flowing in this place (within the minds of chosen souls). And its full of power, full of glory, full of favor. And Your [Yahweh] arms (“stretched, sow”; mind's strength) are wide open Yahweh, Your arms are wide open to embrace (mentally “clasp” to)...”
The Hebrew word is shâchâh שחה (shaw-khaw'). It's definitions are “depress, prostrate”. Many times in Scripture it is translated as “worship”, and “bow” is also an often utilized translation. The above verse is from a song by worship leader Jason Upton. Jason has a wonderful testimony of his adoption as a baby and his music of and about his adoption in Yahweh's son-ship is majestic. Worship is the mind's full acknowledgment of a Mighty work being done within one's mind. The realization that Yahweh alone can save a soul from who? From it's own “self” of course!
The 144,000 reckon with the truth as they rise each morning; where salvation takes place and from “whom?” one is being saved. They understand that music is not the sole source of worship, but rather, a mind that is bound to Yahweh, “depressing” it's own personal will, and fit for service. Through music, acts of kindness, hard labor, theater, submissiveness and much much more. As with ALL things Hebraic, it is first a state of mind, long before the physical manifestation. And the 144,000 know a secret! They understand some of the very best worship happens while in complete silence, alone before Father and son.