Message 204
The Hebrew word is celaʽ סלע (seh'-lah). It's definitions are “lofty, fortress”. As with the Hebrew word ruwach רוח (roo'-akh), which is representative of the “Mind” of Yahweh as well as the “mind” of fallen man, so too does our word celaʽ represent both sides. Commonly translated as the word “rock”, we find that Hebraic intent speaks to the reality of where one actually relies upon, mentally of course, their stronghold; “rock” = mental stronghold. Lets utilize some verses and prove it up:
“Yahweh is my Rock (mind's stronghold) and my Fortress (“capture”; mind's captivity), my Savior (mind's salvation); my Father, my Strength; in You I trust...” (Psalm 18:2)
“Behold, I [Yahweh] will stand there before you upon the rock (mental stronghold) at Horeb (“desolate, parch”); and you shall strike (“dash”) the rock (stronghold causing inner desolation and longing) and water (mind fruit; fructifying) will come out of it for the people (congregating thoughts) to drink (“imbibe” upon). So Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will) did this in the sight of the elders (ancient builders) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”). So he called the name (conscious character) of the place Maccâh (ma-saw') (commonly translated as Massah), testing, tempted, and Merîybâh (mer-ee-baw') (commonly translated as Meribah), strife, contention, because of the quarreling of the children (“builders”) of Israel, and because they tempted and tested Yahweh, saying, 'Is Yahweh among us or not?'” (Exodus 17:6-7)
The 144,000 know well that the many “rocks” mentioned in Scripture, all have only one of two sources, the Mind of Yahweh or the fallen mind of man. The mind that cries “Yahweh alone”, has clearly been partaken of Yahweh's presence, while the contentious, bitter mind, clearly has not. The 144,000 know that at the appointed time (Rev 7:3), only Yahweh's Mind will remain within them. A glorious day indeed!