Message 205

“Because the Arameans (“highland, elevated”; the personal will's belief in personal wisdom and intelligence) have thought Yahweh is a might of the hills (“looming”) and not a might of the valleys (“depression”), I will hand this vast multitude into your hands (mental “grasp”) and you [“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”; Israel] will know (the “yada” of the matter) that I am Yahweh (“Power, Behold! Pierce, Behold!”).” (I Kings 20:28)

The 144,000 know that within every broken mind yet fully redeemed, lies many nations (“mass” constructs of thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will). The Aramean nation within produces thoughts that speak in such a way: “God only deals with the big matters of the universe and won't concern Himself with my life, I will handle this myself.” In this the personal will denies Yahweh's love (the kind that can “never fail”) and compassion over EVERY matter of the lives (minds) of His chosen ones. It is this “vast multitude” of broken thoughts within every soul that leads to “mass” misperceptions. And the 144,000 are very intimately aware that Yahweh, via His Unilateral Mind Contract (Covenant), is the Only One who could bring victory where there is only mental malady. Especially those times when one struggles (the valleys) to decipher His will within, and the death mandated to do so. (Mattithyah 10:39, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, Yahchanan 12:25) A death that one can “feel” in  one's thoughts, like a thousand deaths a day at times. Keep dying loved one!


Message 204


Message 206