Message 206

The Hebrew word is Shadday שרי (shad-dah'-ee). It's definition is “Almighty”. It's root word is shadad שרר (shaw-dad'); “burly, impregnable, ravage”. Of it's fifty plus times it is utilized in Scripture, we are not surprised to find that every single time, it speaks to Yahweh and Yahweh alone!

“Almighty” is meant to encompass many things: All Holy! All Powerful! All Knowing! All Present! All Everything! And the 144,000 understand that within the “Everything”, is Perfection in the first instance! Never a need for “Plan B” in regards to any aspect of anything. A Mind that can never do anything but Purity from the first instance. Never an internal war and therefore never any compromise.

The 144,000 understand His objective in His invitation, for His chosen to “Be holy!” (I Kepha 1:16). And they understand it is not some personal choice that He allows for, but that like all things necessary, it is a command! A command borne forth in His pure love: “Be like Me, for in this, every aspect of your thought world will be complete and perfected.” The 144,000 also understand how many professed “believers” reject the command of mental perfection. And in doing so how they are mentally preparing themselves to be bystanders of Yahweh's massive purging. Bystanders until it is too late, for judgment begins in His House (those who partake of His body of thoughts), and the modern church will face Him. A Revelation 6:9-11 purging.


Message 205


Message 207