Message 207
“Know this also: that in the last days (2020-2033) perilous (“dangerous, furious”) times will come. For men [thoughts] will be lovers (“selfish”) of themselves (the “self” will), covetous (“break”), boasters (“twist”), proud (“arrogant”), blasphemers (“puncture”), disobedient (“law-less”) to parents (bonds to wisdom and understanding), unthankful, unholy (mentally unclean), without natural (“freshness”) affection (non homosexual relationships as commanded by Yahweh), trucebreakers (unpeaceful), false accusers, without self (personal will) control, brutal, despisers of those [thoughts] who are righteous (“right thinking”), traitors, headstrong, arrogant, lovers of pleasure (carnal desires) more then lovers of Yahweh...” (II Timothy 3:1-4)
The 144,000 understand full well that masses of humanity will not be getting more receptive to Yahweh's will, and therefore His commands. That words written long ago (all prophecy and the book of Revelation) will not be rewritten. That it is NOT a time of “revival”, but rather a time when even those who previously professed faith, will have a love grown cold within them. (Mattithyah 24:12)
The 144,000 realize something that will indeed keep them sober (sane) minded in these last days. That by daily reciting Yahshua's recommended prayer, found at Luke 21:36, Yahweh will answer: “Find me and those I care for worthy to escape all that is coming Father. We know it is all You, but please Yahweh, find us worthy to escape it all. In Yahshua's name we ask it, so be it!”