Message 208
“Therefore put to death (consciously slaughter) your members (“structures, moulding”; the twelve mental faculties within each soul) which are on earth (the firmly held to lower thought plain): fornication (“wanton, harlotry”; mental adultery), uncleanliness (wrong thinking), passions (“feelings” led by the personal will) and all greed (“pine, plunder”) and covetousness (“break”; the mind's longing for things other then what Yahweh's will intends) – which are idolatry (“mend, cure”; everything borne forth from “self” reliance).” (Colossians 3:5)
The 144,000 have long since understood that all of the misaligned states above, are indeed states of mind. And it is because of this true reality that they have deeply analyzed every scripture, seeking out the hidden mysteries of Yahweh's Mind within. It is because they understand Hebraic intent that they always perceive every scripture to be of and about matters related to one of two kingdoms; the Kingdom of Yahweh or one's own mental kingdom. Not that words such as “greed” and “passions” didn't make it perfectly clear, but phrases such as “which are on earth”, need further prayer and supplication. And because it makes no good sense whatsoever, that when the verse speaks to “in your members”, that it would be Yahweh asking you to destroy other humans. And thus further supplication is warranted. The 144,000 know that the “members” are indeed one's interior mental faculties (12 tribes/branches), and that the “earth” in which mankind lives, is the “firmly held thoughts of the lower thought plain; the fruit of the fallen will”.