Message 209
“For I [Shaul (thoughts “desiring” Yahweh's will)] know that this [contentious internal remembrance (preaching) of truth] will result in salvation (mental perfection) to me – through your prayers and further supply of the Mind of Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) the anointed (“rub”; consciously consecrated)...” (Philippians 1:19)
If there were ever anyone other then Yahshua of the Renewed Covenant, who could have claimed, “I'm saved!”, would it not have been Shaul (Paul)? Could he not have done that which the modern church says happens weekly in congregations across the world? Would not his encounter at Damascus (“hard”; obstinacy) not have qualified him? (Acts 12:12-19)
The 144,000 know exactly what Shaul knew – that salvation was the exact same mental position that Shaul just spoke of in the verse above. And that when earlier spoken of, we see words lining up exactly with those above when he says, “...will result in salvation to me...” At chapter 1 verse 6 of Philippians, he says, “Being confident of this very thing: that He [Yahweh] who has begun a righteous work [the perfecting of a mind chosen] in you will continue TO BRING IT TO PERFECTION (emphasis mine) until the day of Yahshua (Revelation 22:16-17) the anointed.”
The 144,000 understand well that Yahweh's “righteous work” is the step by step internal process that He calls “salvation (Yahshua in you)”. And that “salvation” is a saved mind, a mind made “perfect” with Yahweh's. Never was it a one day event.