Message 210

“Because there [in the place of total mental “clarity” (Zion)] will be the Tabernacle (“entwined”; unified thinking) for her [Israel - “thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”] shadow (“hover, shade”; mind's ease) in that day (the time of utter mental reaping) from the heat (“drought”; mental languishing); for a place (mind space) of refuge (mental covering), and for a covert (“pouring”; onslaught of pure thoughts) from storm (“gush”; torrents of condemnation) and from rain (“pour”; tempestuousness).” (Isayah 4:6)

The 144,000 know well the vast importance in understanding that EVERYTHING in the book of Revelation is predetermined by Yahweh; that it will not change and even more, that it is a time of a great pruning for those proclaiming faith. (see Revelation 6:9-11) To be completely calm of mind and poised to make every decision from a peaceful place within, is daily practiced. (I Yahchanan 3:7) To understand that wickedness will heighten and prevail for a season (“two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings”, as per Daniyl 8:14) BECAUSE YAHWEH DECREES IT TO BE SO (Revelation 12:12), is daily meditated upon.

The 144,000 understand that when wicked men [thoughts] rise, the propensity to want to take vengeance will rise. It is the practice of right thinking (righteousness) that will keep them from doing so as they remember that “Vengeance is Yahweh's!” (Hebrews 10:30)                                                                                                                  


Message 209


Message 211