Message 214

The 144,000 understand that Shaul (thoughts “asking for” and “desiring” the will of Yahweh) clearly understood the source of a soul's potential righteousness (right thinking). Speaking to Môsheh's (thoughts that “draw out” the will of Yahweh) writings, Shaul described it as a “righteousness that is through Law”. (Romans 10:5) And he prefaced this by saying that “Yahshua is the ultimate result (the perfect example) of the Law (Yahweh's Mind patterns) unto righteousness (right thinking) for everyone who believes.” (10:4) And to solidify his point Shaul directly quotes Môsheh, saying, “For the righteousness BY FAITH (emphasis mine) speaks in this way, 'Do not say in your heart (“center of intellect”); who will ascend into heaven (the “lofty” thought expanse)? That is, to bring the anointing (mind “rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind) down (to the fallen, lower thought plain, aka “earth, ground, land, world, way”). Or: Who will descend into the grave (the mind's sleep)? That is, to bring the anointing up from the dead. But what does it [The Law!!] say? The plan is near you, in your mouth (mind's breath) and in your heart (center of intellect). (Romans 10:6-8 from Deuteronomy 30:12-14)

The 144,000 know that the Law KEPT BY FAITH is the ONLY pattern to becoming righteous and therefore “perfect”, as Yahweh has commanded. And that there is no other way!

“Know therefore, that Yahweh is your Father. He is Mighty. He is a Faithful Father Who keeps His Covenant (Unilateral Mind Contract, to restore fallen yet chosen minds, unto Himself) and mercy for A THOUSAND GENERATIONS (emphasis mine) of those who love (never fail) Him and KEEP HIS LAWS (emphasis mine)...” (Deuteronomy 7:9)


Message 213


Message 215