Message 213
“Therefore, when Yahweh your Father has given you rest from your enemies (mental “foes”) all around (N,S,E,W; the mind's mental boundaries) you, in the land (firmly held to thought plain formerly ruled by “self”, now redeemed by Yahweh's presence within) Yahweh your Father (chief thought) is giving you to possess (mentally acquire) as an inheritance (mental “lineage”), then blot (“stroke, erase”) out the remembrance (internal memory) of Amalek (“war-like, worry”; thoughts that breed and act upon fear) from under Heaven (the “lofty” thought plain). Do not forget (“be oblivious”) this!” (Deuteronomy 25:19)
Do not forget this! That a mind having experienced and even found it's gifted destination – a firmly held thought plain of substance (milk) and sweetness (honey), that again, it was all a gift given. Given via a Unilateral Mind Contract (Covenant) where Yahweh alone (the “unilateral” part) releases His Mental presence into the center of intellect (“heart”) of chosen souls; vessels in which He has placed His Mental presence. Conduits for His Glory, to reveal Himself.
The 144,000 glory in His Glory! They find no greater honor then to be chosen to both contain and duplicate the Mind of Yahweh. To even begin to fathom the full manifestation of such is often mind bending; otherworldly. Is there a pearl that could be of greater price?