Message 212
The Hebrew word is ʽăbôwdâh עכרה (ab-o-daw'). It's definitions are “work, enslave, till.” Having multiple translations, “service” being the most utilized, we dig deeper to perceive hidden mysteries.
The 144,000 are well informed that a Yishmâʻêʼl (yish-maw-ale') (commonly known as Ishmael - “might will rule”; the personal will's belief in it's own wisdom and brute force) mentality is what has formed the modern Islamic movements. No doubt mentally descending from châm (khawm) (commonly known as Ham - “hot”; scorched thinking) it would be Ishmael who would perpetuate the scorched thinking into today's modern religion known as Islam (Genesis 17:20). This mentality spread (“bond-maid”) by Hagar (“flight, stranger”; understandings based in carnal emotion and disbelief in Yahweh's will), it is a mentality in ʽăbôwdâh; mental “bondage” and “servitude”. The very same one passed onto ʻÊsâu (ay-sawv') (commonly known as Esau - “felt rough”; thoughts fueled by carnal appetites) who would later be named ʼĚdôm (ed-ome') (commonly known as Edom - “red”; the life force of carnality; modern day, physical Syria).
And to internalize all that it is indeed all internal, the self (“red”) opposed to all things Yahweh, is the starting point to all true reality. That the Ishmael mindset must die within chosen souls, but that it will rise in minds given over to reprobation. We know that Israel represents “thoughts (and therefore minds) ruled by and for Yahweh's power”, so we can see how the war within is simply set to manifest without (in life physical). Always first a war within, only then to be made known in the shadow lands.