Message 217

Kuttôneth כתנת (koot-to'-neth); “cover”.

Hebraic intent intact, kuttôneth speaks to a mental covering. In Scripture we find that this covering can be “broidered (“interweave”; unifying)”, and made of “linen (“white”; purifying)”, signifying Yahweh's plan to provide thoughts within chosen souls, that lead to unity and purity. This is the very “coat (a common translation for  kuttôneth)” that Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”; a physical man) gave to Yôwcêph (yo-safe') (commonly translated as “Joseph” - “let him add”; the “will” and “understanding” faculties within) at Genesis 37:3.

And of this mental coat we find that it also has many “breadths”. The Hebrew word is pac פס (pas). It's definitions are “long, wide”. Commonly translated as “colours”, though this is only a sufficient translation if one in fact understands how to extrapolate Hebraic intent. Certainly for the 144,000, “breadths” brings forth the true reality that what is being offered to Joseph (the “will” and “understanding” faculties within) is “a covering of many expanses”, all via Yahweh's Mind within. And of the two mental faculties Joseph represents (through Ephraim (will) and Manasseh (understanding)), we understand why Yahweh would indeed appoint a special blessing (the covering) to these two most precious of mental faculties.


Message 216


Message 218