Message 22

"Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath but righteousness delivers from death." (Proverbs 11:4)

We discussed how righteousness, with it's Hebraic intent, is "right thinking". And right thinking is none other then unity with the Mind of the Father, and therefore the son. We also discussed how the appointed timeline of wrath commences at the 6th seal of Revelation, into the 7th seal.

The 144,000 are well aware that bunkers and food storage and the like do indeed have their place, as it was with Yôwcêph (Joseph) of the Old Covenant. Their minds are steadfast in the truth that "Wealth for the sake of others is something to be considered and even worked towards," but they are in no way led to believe that anything but unity with the Mind of Yahweh is the "sealing" factor that will bring every provision needed. It is part and parcel of Matthew 6:33, and we know that The Kingdom we seek is none other then the Mind of Yahweh placed into the center of our intellect; the unilaterally (Yahweh alone upholds) Covenanted promise to change minds by allowing His Mind to be pondered within. A Temple within our minds to both cause and enable the defeat of every act of the "self" will.


Message 21


Message 23