Message 23

 Of the many things required of the 144,000, filtering through long held fables and traditions of men has been part and parcel of the journey back to “Oneness” with The Mind of Yahweh. And the reason for this is that all fables and traditions of man built doctrines keep one's mind disconnected from the Mind of Yahweh, and the 144,000 know that even the smallest measure of disconnect is dangerous territory to be operating in.

What have you heard when people speak of the man named ʼÎyôwb (Job)? If I am correct you have heard statements such as "He was a man of great faith!", and yet he was anything but. So often the reliance on the man made doctrine comes from Job's statement made in the very first chapter of the book named after him: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. Yahweh gave and Yahweh has taken away. Blessed be the Name of Yahweh."(1:21) And then Job spent the next thirty chapters (along with "friends") cursing the ways of Yahweh and his very own existence. As Elihu (“might of him"; Yahweh's strength in one's mind) so rightly says of Job: "He justifies himself rather then Yahweh." (32:2) But there is none better to speak of the true condition of Job's "faith" then Job himself. After many accusations against Yahweh and much inner affliction due to the disconnect and the affliction it brings with it, Job had this to say: "My ears ("understanding") had heard (from a distance) of you, but now (after much suffering) my eyes (perceptions) see You! Therefore (because of the inner change), I despise and abhor myself and I repent in dust and ashes." (42:5-6)

Will you trust that Job knows best about his utter lack of faith in the beginning and how that faith was only built through the suffering? Will you understand that Job is a story about you and your understandings and false perceptions of how Yahweh operates? The 144,000 understand very well!


Message 22


Message 24