Message 24
It's because Yahweh speaks about it so much that anyone describing the mental processes of the 144,000 will do so as well. Isayah is a great book to delve in to in order to see how serious Yahweh is about proclaiming: "I [Yahweh] am the only source of power, there is no other!" The Hebrew words for the power that He speaks to in regards to Himself are such:
בח kôach (ko'-akh)- "Be firm, vigor"
חיל chayil (khah'-yil)- "force, army"
And the unique matter well understood by the 144,000 is that the references by Yahweh, of His solely attained power, is overwhelmingly utilized in Scripture to speak of that which is necessary to overcome our will within us; our dirty thinking. We see that Yahweh sees fit to describe this power before hitting the mark discussed herein:
"But we are like one who is unclean (a mental matter), all our righteousness (attempts to "think right" on our own) is as filthy ("set, menstrual"; predictable) rags ("treachery, covert"; deceptions), we all fade (diminish mentally) as a leaf ("coming up"), and our iniquities (mental "perversity"), like the wind (here again our word "ruwach", referencing in the context of this verse, the "perverse mindsets" that cause our "diminishing"), will take us away (far from Yahweh's will)." (Isayah 64:1-4)
A power that Yahweh saw fit to reference and what humbles the 144,000 is the reality that He also spent so much time speaking to man's resistance to Him, and the depths of wickedness within man that hates Him. A hate so deeply rooted that the power He introduced was deemed “Great!”