Message 25
"Israel ("might will rule"; Yahweh's power placed into chosen minds) has sinned! They have transgressed the Covenant (represented by the "broken stones (hardened minds)" of Môsheh) I commanded ("constitute, enjoin") them to keep (mentally adhere to). They have taken some of the devoted ("seclude, doom"; unclean) things. They have stolen ("thieve, deceive"); they have covered up theft, they have put them [unclean thoughts] with their own possessions (those thoughts that were led to obey). This is why the children ("builders") of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power) are unable to stand ("rise"; mental uprightness) before their enemies ("adversary"; constructs of the self will). They turn back in the face (mental "countenance") of their enemies because they themselves have become devoted (mentally "secluded" and "doomed"); I [Yahweh] will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted(doomed!) to destruction." (Yahshua (Joshua) 7:11-12)
The 144,000 know that the internal processes that lead to cowardice comes from disobedience to Yahweh's will! They understand that fear and all mental constructs that cause a lack of faith and bravery, are directly correlated to lack of obedience towards Yahweh's will. And yes, it is personal and they know what it takes to remove the cowardice. Simply said, Yahweh honors the mind that honors His Mind. He shows this honor by placing His thoughts within the center (forehead) of those who daily choose to "lose their life to find it," and the fruit produced is likened to the "Boldness of a lion!" A boldness borne forth from a massive effort towards humility of course; the humility of a child ("builder") of His Kingdom. Let us hear from Yahweh on the final say of the matter, for it is always best to do so:
"You cannot stand (have no cowardice) against your enemies (And Hebraic intent tells us this is first our "inner adversarial thoughts" long before "other men") until you remove the devoted things (one's own cherished thoughts and the ideas they form) from your midst." (Yahshua 7:13)