Message 26
"Sacrifice of praise"? The Hebrew word is זבח zâbach (zaw-bakh'). It's definition is "slaughter". The 144,000 understand that slaughter is certainly more descriptive of the Hebraic intent of what is being said. Let's look at a verse that utilizes the translation "sacrifice" and put the real definition in and see what we find:
" Let them slaughter the slaughtering of thanksgiving, and declare His deeds with singing." (Psalm 107:22) And another:
"We will offer You [Yahweh] the slaughtering of thanksgiving, and call upon Your Name, O Yahweh!" (Psalm 116:17)
The 144,000 have well come to know that the processes involved in the slaughter of thanksgiving, speaks directly to the condition of one's mind while under intense suffering; the testing required by Yahweh Himself. While bearing with the "stake (Yahweh's power within the mind allowing for the denial of the “self will”)" Yahshua spoke of, one can continually rejoice through the suffering as they come to see, "The suffering is making me more like Yahweh and Yahshua! It is Abba's way of removing all that is of 'me' within my mind. If not for the intense suffering I would not conform into His mental image. I can perceive that if He did not do this, I would not call upon Him. I understand what He meant when He said that my mind apart from His is 'wicked and deceitful above all things', and 'unknowable.' I can suffer well because I see it's purpose and this is why I can offer praise in the midst of the death of the me that I used to be."