Message 27

Of the one who knew no cowardice, we see that the following words spoken of Yahshua take us back to what can be titled, "A Master Plan!" Of what? The patterns to how one returns to “Oneness” with the Mind of Yahweh of course. We look at Yᵉshaʽyâh (Isaiah) 53:12 to learn: 

"Therefore I [Yahweh] will divide (allot) him a portion with the great, and he will divide the plunder (mental "booty") with the strong (the others that do not suffer from cowardice); BECAUSE HE HAS POURED OUT HIS MIND UNTO DEATH (emphasis mine as we needed to boldly reveal the Master Pattern)."

The 144,000 understand (and that means to mentally "stand under") the truth that the entire process (and the many patterns within it) that leads one to a mental resurrection promised; a mind saved, is through the complete steadfastness to, "All of my own will must decrease into nothingness, leaving only the will of The Father within my mind!" Is it any wonder the Master Pattern keeper made specific statements in regards to this master plan, though everything he said spoke to the same purpose of it all:

"That which is born of the flesh (raw and active thoughts borne forth by one's self will) is flesh, but that which is born of the Mind (Yahweh's will placed into the center of conscience of chosen souls) is Mind." (Yôwnâthân (John) 3:6)

"A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from the Father." (John 3:27)

"Yahweh is Mind; and those who worship Him must worship Him in the Mind of truth." (John 4:24)

"The son [speaking of himself and us] can do nothing of himself, but what he sees (mentally perceives) the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, is what the son does in the same way." (John 5:19)

"Those who have practiced righteousness (right thinking) will be resurrected (mentally of course)...I can of my own self (personal will) do nothing; as I hear, I judge. And my judgment is just; because I do NOT SEEK MY OWN WILL (emphasis mine to again highlight the Master Pattern), but the will of Him Who sent me." (John 5:29-30)

Yes indeed, the 144,000 are those who, listen close reader, the 144,000 are those who MENTALLY RESURRECT BEFORE PHYSICAL DEATH, and then walk with the Master Pattern keeper during the 6th and 7th seals of Revelation.


Message 26


Message 28