Message 28

We remember that though we speak herein of and to foundational understandings of and for the 144,000, we do so knowing that each "gifting ("present")" offered to minds individually, is of and from Yahweh. This truth allows for differing experiences, differing internal messages, and yes, even differing levels of understanding of the Father's will.

We discussed the "slaughter of thanksgiving", and why the 144,000 understand the requirements of having to literally slaughter any thoughts that might say, "I should not have to go through this!" or, "This is the devil's (see "The Devil Inside") doing ." The 144,000 know that it is anything but a "devil", and that to not perceive this is to actually believe Yahweh Himself is evil for what He allows in the lives of His chosen; for if it's not a "devil", then who created the darkness and destruction????? Let's look at a few verses to help us cross over:

"He [Yahshua] is despised and rejected...a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief...he was despised... he borne our grief and carried our sorrows...he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities..he was oppressed and he was afflicted... a sheep before it's shearers...taken from prison and judgment...cut off from the land of the living...YET HIS BRUISES PLEASED YAHWEH; FOR HE [Yahshua] WAS PUT TO GRIEF." (emphasis mine) (Isayah 53:3-10) And then: 

"For it was fitting for Him [Yahweh] on account of Whom all things and through Whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to lead the Prince (reigning thinker) of their salvation ("Yahshua") to perfection (mental Oneness with Yahweh) THROUGH SUFFERING." (emphasis mine) (Hebrews 2:10) And then:

"Though he [Yahshua] was a son ("builder" of the Kingdom within) HE LEARNED OBEDIENCE FROM THE THINGS WHICH HE SUFFERED." (emphasis mine) (Hebrews 5:8) 

The 144,000 understand a core foundation of how the mind is brought to perfection (mental holiness; clean thinking) with Yahweh; the foundation laid by Yahshua; a foundation called SUFFERING. Suffer well loved one!


Message 27


Message 29