Message 29
The Hebrew word is כןלאך maľâk (mal-awk'). It's definition's are "dispatch, messenger". Of the two hundred plus times this word is utilized in both Covenants, systematic translations of the word have caused a gross misunderstanding of the Hebraic intent. In about one hundred verses the above word is translated as "messenger(s)", and if one understands the totality of the Hebraic intent in regards to malâk, then this word might suffice. The totality of course being that Yahweh's Kingdom is a Kingdom of thought, a Kingdom "within" chosen souls.
And of the hundred plus times when the word is not translated as messenger(s), we find that once again the Greeks have done us a great injustice in regards to their attempt to translate the Hebrew word. In the definition itself they offer "bring tidings", and if one is thorough one can certainly apply this to things within the mind disseminating from Yahweh's will, however it's the Greek word itself that makes this quest almost impossible for the masses. The Greek word is άγγελος aggelos (ang-el-los), and as you see leads to the common translation "angel(s)".
The 144,000 are very aware of what happens in the minds of the children of Yahweh when the word angel(s) is spoken. They are very aware of everything the Greek language AND THE CULTURE IT REPRESENTS does to both misinform of, and even destroy, Hebraic intent. Rather then "Yahweh's dispatched message(s) in the minds of chosen souls," many are led to consider "Flying little beings with wings and halos", outside the mind. And then the masses take this Greek mindset and do the same disservice in their attempts to turn other Hebrew words into matters physical, rather then Yahweh's work internally. Words such as כרוב cherub (ke-rub), which speaks to "drought, division" within the mind. And the wordשרך saraph (saw-raph), which speaks to "burning, poisonous" belief systems within. And even גפילים nephiyl (nef-ee) It's definition,“bully, fall", which speaks to mental strongholds based in fear that cause the mind to run from and misconceive Yahweh's will. A Greek mind messing with Hebrew words and their true meaning is something the 144,000 have long since left behind, and they understand that ones entire perspective of Who Yahweh is, is formed by these doctrines. Has it not been well said, "Guard your mind (life) and your doctrine!"