Message 30
It is expected that if you are indeed of the 144,000, that you have been exhaustively seeking out Yahweh's deepest mysteries lodged within you. Another of the man-made doctrines that hurts the congregation ("gathering of thoughts" within, and yes, the physical body of believers as well) is a huge misconception of what in fact "salvation" is. It always gives the 144,000 that nails on the chalkboard sensation when they hear someone say, "I was saved on ____________." And they fill in the blank with a date. As if salvation was a one time event and even worse, that it was fulfilled on that same day via a mercifully allowable confession of faith.
Over three hundred and fifty times throughout both Covenants (the later being a renewal of the first) the word that is systematically translated as "salvation, saved, save", is the Hebrew root word ישועה Yêshûwa' (yay-shoo'-ah). That's right it's the name of Yahweh's son Yahshua, whose name of course means "Yahweh saves". And so often when the words "salvation, save, saved" are utilized in many translations, it is the name Yahshua that is being spoken when these words appear. The sinless one has something to say about what it means to, "Be him (saved)" and to, "Get saved (him)". Let's listen to his words:
"He that endures till the end shall be saved." (Mattithyâh (Matthew) 10:22)
"Take my yoke upon you." (Mattithyâh (Matthew) 11:29-30)
"If anyone will come after me (salvation), then let him deny himself and take up his yoke (mental control of the "self”) and follow me! For whoever will save his life (personal will) will lose it and whoever will lose his life will find it [the will of Yahweh]." (Mattithyâh (Matthew) 17:24-25)
Does all this sound like a one day event? Does it live up to the words Shâʼûl (Paul) spoken at Philippians 2:12- " out your own salvation with fear and trembling"?
The 144,000 know very well that "salvation" is Yahshua and that Yahshua represents a mind made perfect with Yahweh. With Hebraic intent fully realized, salvation means "a saved mind", and that never happens on day one. Sadly for many who profess to be believers, it never happens during their entire physical life as they are of those who say, "Well, no one can be perfect."