Message 31

"Be pleased when things go well, but when times are bad, consider: Yahweh has made the one as well as the other, and man will never know what lies ahead of him." (Ecclesiastes 7:14)

The 144,000 have come to understand that the capacity for wickedness and all that comes with it, is as much under the Sovereign direction of Yahweh as the goodness that comes. They understand that when Yahweh speaks it is not for any interpretation that may tickle the ears, but for the totality of all that is and will be, and they stake their life on it.

"So that they may know from the rising of the sun ("brilliance" within) to the place of it's setting (the time for "dullness" in thought) there is none besides Me. I form the light (mind's "illuminations") and create darkness (the minds "misery"); I make peace (mental "wellness") and create destruction (the mind's "spoiling"): I Yahweh do all these things." (Yᵉshaʽyâh (Isaiah) 45:6)

Indeed the 144,000 have found that since the creation of ʼÂdam (the carnal conscience having it's own will) the capacity for wickedness existed as a creation from Yahweh. Not as a "free will" choice to adhere to, but rather the the ability to let mankind fall because of what is appropriately to be tilted as "death will"; that which would always be opposed to Yahweh's will. The 144,000 realize that there was only commands given, not personal choices, and the wickedness that was available was man's defiance of commands, remarkably while attempting to call the fallen way, "freedom of choice."

And in the capacity for wickedness, Yahweh would reveal a Master plan that would reveal love in the most extraordinary of ways, for what better way could love be expressed then to offer it to a irreverent, disobedient soul? To cause men to see that their "choices" would lead to mental destruction (Hebraically known asשאול sheôwl (sheh-ole')), and to then save them anyway. Again, there is no better way to reveal what love is, and it is in this love that the 144,000 risk everything! And so there is a profound insight into the truth that Yahweh created a capacity for man to fall from His Mind. A fall that can only be remedied by death-----and then of course resurrection. For the 144,000 it is a mental death and resurrection. For many others the 5th seal of Revelation is the death they face. Rise up O sleepers!


Message 30


Message 32