Message 32
A lot of the information going forth, because of specific timelines set by Yahweh, leads us to the truth of the role of the 144,000; those who walk with Yahshua during Yahweh's wrath upon mankind. It is not a time of what many would liken to "ministry", not a plentiful harvesting season, but rather a time for the threshing of the tares.
Be not mistaken, part and parcel of the 144,000's training has been a very deep understanding of two specific attributes of the Mighty Father, though they are indeed innumerable. Let's look at a couple of Hebrew words and their definitions:
חסר checed (kheh'-sed)- "kindness, piety"
רחם râcham (raw-kham')- "fondle”
Both words defined, often describe an aspect of the Mind Of Yahweh, and are systematically translated as the words "mercy" and "compassion". And the reason it is of the utmost importance to bring forth these Mind qualities of The Father is because the 144,000 have been trained in and by these characteristics; they have come to rely upon them, even worshiping The Father for them. The narrow path mind journey often has one crying out to Abba for these very two things.
The "utmost" part is soon coming for the 144,000. While acting as His "repeaters (witnesses)", and delving out His wrath, they realize there are still souls that Yahweh has marked as His own, and they are keenly aware of the truth that they must always be ready to see who carries the flicker of light within. They know it's a time of severe judgment on the masses, but they remember the truth that they too were saved from their own great wickedness within. They are not tyrants looking happily for Yahweh's day of vengeance, but they are sober minded, calm, and yes, mystified even. Mystified at how utterly just and right and loving Yahweh is in His removal of all that would harm His chosen children. Removal of all who would defy love.
"Because Of Yahweh's great mercy we are not consumed. His compassions do not fail." (Lamentations 3:22)