Message 33

"For this is my [Paul] purpose in writing to you, to know whether you would stand the test, whether you are obedient in all things." (2 Corinthians 2:9)

We see that Paul (representing thoughts that both "ask for" and "desire" Yahweh's will) specifically ties obedience to testing. The 144,000 know well that the test is anything but a mind that woefully say's, "It's all finished in Christ." They understand that Yahshua's resurrection activated within them the ability to now walk the very path (the narrow road thinking) Yahshua walked; the "Take up your stake and deny yourself!" command, that he exemplified in order to tutor you to your death. 

The 144,000 understand that the test(s) is/are a test(s) towards and unto total obedience to the will of The Father; the pathway to restored mental perfection. They also understand that Paul likened it to a race. Let's listen to the words Yahweh penned through him: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may take hold and make IT (emphasis mine) yours." Again, the "it" is the command to "Be perfect!", and the reward that comes with it; unity and restored mental Oneness with The Father and therefore the son.

The 144,000 have, and under the mercy of a specific timeline, still are repenting of a very crucial matter: "Forgive me Father for saying things like 'No one is perfect!', as if it were not possible; that You would actually command something that we could not achieve. Our minds make you a bad Father when we don't even see we are doing it. I stand in the truth that it is not just possible, but it is commanded, and that the path to it is likened to our 'reasonable service' unto You. Help me Father, in Yahshua's name I ask it."


Message 32


Message 34