Message 220

We have previously discussed that the 144,000 don't play any games with words. “Semantics” is an argument for the lazy of mind and quite frankly, the unlearned.

The Hebrew word is lamad למר (law-mad'). It's definitions are “goad, teach”. And of this word commonly translated as “learn”, we find that Yahweh is very specific about it's intent and therefore it's application: “Learn to fear (mentally reverence) Me!” (Deuteronomy 4:10, 17:19, 31:13) “Learn the commands and statutes!” (Deuteronomy 5:1, 31:12, Psalm 119:73) And of course, “Learn not the ways of the heathen (“massing, division”; thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will that cause divisions within).” (Yeremyah 10:2) In these three commanded precepts, everything Yahweh intends chosen minds to “learn”, is summed up.

And the 144,000 know well that the masses who believe that “learning” can be applied to anything (and that means in application to life physical), forsaking the above commands in the process, is a fool's endeavor. For they will be, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (II Timothy 3:7) And we learn that the Hebrew word translated as “learn” in this verse, is of course a word previously vetted. It is our word nâchash נחש (naw-khash'). It's definitions are “hiss, whisper”. Yes indeed, the very same source of the fall at Genesis chapter 3; the adversarial personal will; commonly translated as “serpent” also.

Do you comprehend? “Ever hissing/whispering, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” If it is man prescribed “learning” and it forsakes Yahweh's commanded mandates to learn, the source of such an education will always be the fallen will! And the fallen will can only ever bring, at it's very best, delusion!


Message 219


Message 221