Message 219
“I will hand over the men [thoughts] who have transgressed (mentally left behind) My Covenant (Unilateral Mind Contract with chosen souls), who did not keep the terms (mind's conditions) of the covenant which they made (agreed to) before Me. When they cut (“destroy, consume”) the young bull (“frisking, revolve”; inner stubbornness) between (making a distinction between redeemed and unredeemed) it's parts – the nobles (“head, dominion”; chief thoughts) of Yahdah (the “praise” faculty within) and Yerûshâlaim (yer-oo-shaw-lah'-yim) (commonly known as “Jerusalem” – “founded, peaceful”), the eunuchs (“castrate”; silent service), the priests (“officiating, mediate”; thoughts leading to righteous judgments), and all the people (congregating thoughts) of the land (firmly held to lower thought plain) passed (acknowledged “clean” and “unclean”) between the parts (mental make up) of the bull (distinguished and acknowledged obstinacy within).” (Yeremyah 34:18-19)
The 144,000 understand that the above was first instituted at Genesis 15:10. The “cutting” representing the distinction of two wills within; the will of Yahweh (clean thinking) and the fallen will of man (unclean thinking). And that each soul, even when it agrees with the distinction between clean and unclean, still falls. Like Adam #1, when he named the animals (unruly thoughts) at Genesis 2:19, showing Yahweh that he understood the distinction between clean and unclean, and then fell anyway. And yet Yahweh saw fit to uphold the Covenant of His own volition and participation (the “Unilateral” part), thus guaranteeing that His presence alone, would now guide a chosen soul and reveal the distinction between clean and unclean thoughts. And that ʼAbrâhâm (“father of a multitude”) would be the promise to place a “multitude” of renewing thoughts into chosen minds. And that the seed (mental “sowing”) of such would reach all He intended.