Message 222
“He is the Rock (“compressed, edge, precipous”; mind's steadfastness and stability). His works (“action” within) are perfect; Yahweh's Ways (Mind paths) are justice (“rightness”) indeed! He is the Father (“chief”) of truth (“firmness, security”), and does no wrong (“violence, wrest”). Upright (“elevate”) and just (“right”) is He.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)
The 144,000 know. They understand that though given such powerful written representations, by the Father, of and about Himself, one must fight to hold to truths such as these. Listen closely loved one. The inner battles are directly equated to resistance to Yahweh's revelations of Himself and His ways, in one's current thought streams, but there is more! Equate them to soul ties if you will. Unfinished battles, those wherein the mind decides to “self” preserve, must be decided. You have heard the proverbial saying that speaks to one “going around the same mountain over and over”, and this cannot be so. The command to “Be perfect!” mandates that every stronghold within be visited and overcome by the will of Yahweh. Yahweh has spoken of this process as well:
“The Kingdom of Yahweh has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men [thoughts] lay hold of it.” (Mattithyah 11:12)
Indeed Yahweh Himself lets us know that the internal process, the building of His Kingdom within and not one's own, is one forced upon chosen souls. And it begs the question, “If He did not force it upon me, where would I be?” A forceful act of supreme love and no less.