Message 223
Both the “proper” and the “parenting” are not open to one's objectivity. The 144,000 understand well that in regards to one's children (“builders”), as it is with every chosen soul, “commands” are applicable and parents are indeed commanded to institute such into the minds of each child:
“Take to heart (“center of intellect”) all the words (Yahweh's expressed “plan” for chosen souls) I have testified (“repeat”) among you this day (a day where Mosheh spoke 613 commands), so that you may COMMAND (emphasis mine) your children (“builders” of the mind's kingdom) to carefully obey (“hear”; understand) and do ALL (emphasis mine) the words (plans) of this Law (Mind patterns leading to Yahweh's will). These are not just idle (“slack”) words (plans) for you – THESE LAWS (Mind patterns) MEAN LIFE (prosperous mind) TO YOU (emphasis mine); and by them you shall prolong your days (“illuminations”) in the land (the milk (substance) and honey (sweetness) of mind, promised), which you are crossing (mentally differentiating between) the Yardên (yar-dane') (commonly translated as “Jordan” - “descender”; thoughts that cause the mind to decrease) to possess (mentally attain).” (Deuteronomy 32:46-47)
From former mental “humiliation (Canaan)” to, “thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power (Israel)”. And Yahweh makes clear that parents who obey the commands pertaining to child rearing, save the child much humiliation, making the journey within their minds more prosperous at a younger age.