Message 224
The 144,000 understand that modern terms lead to not just an often gross misunderstanding of the Hebrew language and it's intent, but also an entire world of pagan influence and perpetuation. When it comes to Yahweh's commands, His chosen children are told to “observe” them all (Exodus 34:11). We have vetted the Hebrew word shâmar שמר (shaw-mar), often translated as “observe, keep, guard, protect”. And of course the 144,000 realize that all observation, protecting and the like, discusses Yahweh's allotted Mind patterns, given to chosen souls.
And of the pagan influence would be an attempt to translate the word shâmar as the modern word “religion”. And the proof positive of the pagan influence is that when one hears and therefore speaks of “religion”, it is never to conjure the keeping of Yahweh's Mind patterns. And the attempts to corner the Laws of Yahweh, spoken through Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will), as a “Jewish religion” (Galatians 1:13-14), is a gross misrepresentation of the entire Old Covenant and therefore Yahweh's will! Rather then translations such as “observance” or even “traditions”, the die is cast and has led to the worldwide expressions of terms such as, “I'm not a religious person!” When in fact if we were going to accept Greek translations of Scripture (and the 144,000 will not!), then disbelief is the greatest religion in the world!
The entirety of Scripture has NOTHING to do with what the masses, and sadly even a great multitude of those who profess belief, comprehend “religion” to be. If one can say, “I am to observe all of Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) that guide my mind back into total unity with Yahweh's Mind!”, and call that their “religion”, then perhaps Yahweh is indeed harvesting His 144,000 from every walk of life!