Message 242
“Because of this [the personal will's attempts to destroy the “Yahweh saves” mindset], Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) no longer walked (mentally “went”) openly (easy to perceive) among the Yahdaim (the mind's “praise” faculty misaligned); but withdrew from there into the country (firmly held thought plain) near the wilderness (the place where Yahweh's will “drives out” unclean thoughts), to a city (thought habitation) called Ephraim (the “will” faculty within) and remained there with his disciples (12 mental disciplines/faculties).” (Yahchanan 11:54)
The 144,000 have fought every interior battle as part and parcel of “He who loses his life will find it!” (Mattithyah 10:39, Mark 8:35-36, Luke 9:24, Yahchanan 12:25) When the mind realizes all former matters that once received praise (the yet fully redeemed “Yahdah” faculty) are really self deceptions that cause the other faculties to stumble, radical change was warranted. A submersion into the will of the Father (the chief goal of the Ephraim (will) faculty within) is the prescribed retreat. And this truth solidified by the mind's chief cornerstone; the “Yahweh saves” mindset.
Indeed the 144,000 pay attention to everything Yahshua embodied and embodies in reference to how all of the mind's matters must be dealt with. Especially when regarding life and death matters relative to the pathway to total unity with Yahweh's Mind; mental salvation.