Message 241

The Hebrew word is shôphâr שופר (sho-far'). It's definitions are “incising, clear”. It's root word is shâphar שפר (shaw-far'). It's definitions are “glisten, make fair”.

As with everything Hebraic, everything regarding the shôphâr is of and about internal matters. And so we look to it's definitions and make simple determinations before even exploring the context within the verses in which shôphâr is utilized. And we can see how it speaks to “cutting out (incising) all wrong thoughts, making the mind's ability to perceive Yahweh's will, clear.”

The 144,000 know that there are a couple of words that share the commonly utilized word for shôphâr, the translation being “trumpet(s)”, but that even those other Hebrew words have definitions of internal matters: “continuos, surround, seperate”. And it is specifically the 144,000 who have trained their minds to be ready for Yahweh's trumpet calls within. Indeed it would seem that, “All of His children should be able to have their minds incised and clear for His beckoning!”, but it is not so! Yahchanan understood the primary matter: “I WAS IN THE MIND (emphasis mine) on the day of Yahweh, and I heard (understood) behind (guiding) me a great voice, as of a trumpet (removal of all carnality for total mental clarity).” (Revelation 1:10) And that each “trumpet” mentioned after Revelation chapter 1, was continuing mental clarity required for those that would walk in His Mind, having never physically died.


Message 240


Message 242